To create lasting good within our community by providing access and empowerment for those in need.
Who We Are
The Local Good Center opened in Plano, Texas in 2021 with an important mission:
To create lasting good within our community by providing access and empowerment for those in need.
Our team partners with hundreds of volunteers and other local partner organizations to create lasting good. Every day.
What We Do
The Local Good Center focuses on four key pillars:
Advocacy, Wellness, Education, and Job Readiness.
Each of these areas is vital to meeting the pressing needs of those in our community. And, in all of these programs, we are seeing significant momentum as people’s lives are being forever changed for good.
Why We Do It
Whether it’s opportunities to get meaningful work, access to healthy food, safe spaces for foster kids and families, or support for people learning English…
We believe the most vulnerable in our community deserve a helping hand with dignity.
The Local Good Center is proud to be a part of the Local Good Collective, where we believe there is common ground around the common good.
More Local.
More Good.
The Local Good Center is a part of the Local Good Collective, where we believe there is common ground around the common good.
Doing good takes all of us.
Get Involved!
There are so many ways to do good at the Local Good Center. Take action today.